Every home has a scent. The one that drifts in the air and catches the visitors attention first thing on stepping into a home. A certain aroma can take you back down memory lane, reminding you of a person, a place or just a moment. I remember vividly how Christmas used to feel at my grandma’s home in Kerala by just the scent of cinnamon bakes in the air. That is how magical fragrances can be.

The thing about good fragrances is that it instantly has an effect on our mind. Soothing and making us feel pleasant. A foul smelling home will never be appreciated, no matter how good the decor appears. And you definitely do not want people to associate your well-decorated home with a bad odour.

The good thing is there are a lot of ways by which you can have your home smell of fragrance. Of course there is the age old way of simmering water and adding citrus and herbs to it. But lets face it, we cannot do that all day long with our busy schedules. What we can do is bring home long lasting home fragrances available at various stores and online decor shops.

Paper Bag Air Fresheners



These are the most common types of air fresheners available. They are easy to use and can be kept at any place easily. From your living room to bedroom and even the wash room. It helps keep the space fresh and smelling good with these fragrant paper. Easy to store, they also last long if they are of good quality and you do not have to worry about changing them regularly. Besides, paper air fresheners are quite economical and eco-friendly. Extra brownie points for that!

Reed Diffusers



Reed diffusers are one of the best options in home fragrances. They look beautiful and have subtle fragrances that set your home into a pleasant mood. Reed diffusers use aromatic oil to spread around the space. Reed diffusers come in a variety of styles, the flower pot one being the most popular. Decorative ones could also make up for wonderful show-pieces at home

Scented Candles



Scented candles come in a variety of shapes and pattern to give your home an uplift with its mild flavours. I love how scented candles can bring a fairy tale appeal even to a simple dinner date with your loved one. Whether its a special event, function or just another day at home. Scented candles in your living room or guest rooms can work as decor accessories as well. While keeping your home smelling pleasant and fresh always.



Potpourri works at a subtle level and that is the beauty of it. As elegant and chic they look as decor accessories, they fill your home with fragrances all through the day. They last long and are also easy to use. From fresh natural potpourris to adding oil to dried leaves and flowers. There are lots of potpourri types to choose and use throughout your home interiors.


