Exhaustion, anxiousness, and stress have become synonyms to city life. The Buddha rightly pointed to its cause, excessiveness. Saw down the urge to have more and adopt a simple outlook for better living. 

Start at the Core

A nation is made of families and where it stands reflects its citizen’s condition and quality of life. Home is the core where we start. Take a close look at your home of all your possessions–clothes, shoes, accessories, books, electronics, furniture, wares, etc. All things functional and decorative in nature. Make a list of all items your family and you need for everyday living. Of things if unavailable will bring life to a grinding halt. This list will act as a mirror to help see how much you really need to live a satisfying and comfortable life. Things that do not make it on that list are clutter, excess you need to strip off.

Understand the signs


 The process and pursuit of having everything needs to be toned down drastically. Why? Because your life doesn’t start nor ends with it. Mental and physical burnouts are a byproduct of the need to have all lifestyle. It all starts at your home. How? The more you collect, precious space starts disappearing in an effort to store things. This results in clutter and even mess, which is a major contributor to stress and depression. Your home goes from being a haven of peace and wellness to a lackluster storeroom. Unwatched and you may end up becoming a visitor in your own house. All at the price of health, time and money as you unknowingly compete in the rat race. Besides, you barely get time to enjoy all that you acquire.

Strip off the excess


The world churns out a ton of material things irrespective of its relevance, use and need in our lives. We often find ourselves tempted to buy things slyly advertised as better, bigger and special. But how much? Follow the less is more principle and live intentionally. Remember, anything you possess more than required is excess. So minimize and reap the benefits of a simple lifestyle: there will be more time on hand to do what you desire, be able to spend quality time with family and friends. You will be surprised to see how beautiful and relaxing your home is clutter free with just the essentials. This means less maintenance and expenses and likewise less stress. You will have time for more important things leading to happiness, better health, and good sleep. The benefits keeping growing.





